Birthdays: Joseph Foresman (9/3), Eric Carlson (9/5), Mike Pintek (9/7). Anniversaries: Julie (Lay) & Jason Schnitzer (9/5), Carman & Leo Albiniak (9/6), Lori Beth (Lay) & Tony Gulmantovicz (9/7), Joan & Gary Carnegie (9/8); In memoriam: Emma Lay (9/5/1974).
Keeping In-touch: Our week was filled with joy: dinner at Grau's, golf with high school tennis partner, and dinner with old friends from high school; and work: Marge with care-giving and John with "academic catch-up." The U.S. Tennis Open on T.V. and the good start to Notre Dame and University of Colorado football season leads us to an active fall.
Readings: Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments: This Gospel challenges my attachment to people, especially my Bride, family, & companions, and to things, but most of the "stuff" I appreciate because it allows me to enjoy the people. The challenge is to always put The Lord first and not forget He will provide all I need.
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments: This Gospel challenges my attachment to people, especially my Bride, family, & companions, and to things, but most of the "stuff" I appreciate because it allows me to enjoy the people. The challenge is to always put The Lord first and not forget He will provide all I need.
An Invitation:
Hopefully, this blog enriches your celebration of the Liturgy at the
gathering of your community each week. We do not field many "Comments, Reflections, Insights..." Sharing
your thoughts and feelings on the Gospel may enhance your celebration
even more. I have another gift for you: I'll build you a small group
Gospel sharing site for groups of 4 to 8 people. See an example here.
Become a Host or Hostess for your Gospel sharing group this week.
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
These reading definitely hit home. By giving so many of my possessions away, and putting the rest in storage it gives one the opportunity to realize how little possessions mean - it's the memory and people that goes with them that really count.
ReplyDeleteI agree, often The Lord sends these "mixed-blessings" that teach us and show The Lord's awesome Love.
ReplyDeleteDear Friends,
Today is the first of 10 consecutive radiation treatments for our son Billy to stop the pain he has been experiencing these past 3 months. We are asking you to please remember him in prayer that the treatments will be effective in taking away his pain & kill the cancer in his body that has been causing such excruciating pain. His pain has been building these past few weeks, from the cancer that has manifested in the pleural sac lining in his lungs causing his left lung to fill up with fluid. Surprisingly his liver is doing fine but this horrible cancer is now attacking his lungs with a vengeance. We also ask for prayers for guidance and wisdom for the doctors who will be treating him.
Billy is in his hardest battle of his life. Although he has been extremely courageous and strong throughout this ordeal, we know his strength is coming from Our Lord. God gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers but we also need your intercessory prayers in storming heaven on his behalf. Please remember him in prayer these next several weeks while he is completing these treatments. We also encourage you to pass this message on to your prayer warriors and especially to those who know Billy.
As always thank you for your continued love and concern for our son Billy. Attached is a picture of Billy taken in Split on our way to a pilgrimage to Medjugorje this past May. If you would like to write to Billy, his email is william.maggio@gmail.com
Love & God bless
Eileen & Bill
"Put on the armor of God so that you may be able to stand firm against the tactics of evil"
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"