My Companions: Let us pray in the glory of the Mystery of the Most Holy Trinity and adore God Who Is Lover-Love-Beloved. And let's seek forgiveness for our failures to fully participate in the Community of Love with all our brothers and sisters. Help us live with hearts of gratitude as we continue to ask for all we need to live fully in Love: especially healing in mind and body, for dignified work, for pleasant moments of re-creation and rest in You.
Birthdays: Patti Schoeninger (6/13), Andrew Kornacki (6/15), Gina Feely (615), Jim Frodl (6/19), and Stephen Lay (6/19). Anniversary Mary Weed (d. 6/12)
Keeping In-touch: We stayed very busy with Dr. appointment, anniversary celebration and "bon voyage" to Matthew who is traveling in Australia with students. We squatted at Alan and Connie's campsite on Saturday/Sunday and quietly ended/began the weeks. We have some anxiety about Marge's operation next Monday (6/20) but have so many people praying with us that we know we will find the Glory of God in this eventful time of our lives.
The Readings: The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Fr. Foley's Reflections: The Story of Our Lives
My comments and an invitation for you: This week we celebrate the great Mystery of God who is One and yet a Community of Persons. The readings chosen for this celebration are so short that the liturgists must have been thinking that our summer living of the Mystery needed a quick celebration at our Assembly!? How can we ever understand the Love that Jesus has shown to us? The grandeur of God's love is overwhelming and beyond our comprehension. Maybe, this week, we should just rest in the Triune God like little children rest in the arms of their parents and do not even try to understand the mystery of mommy and daddy.
May Christ's peace and the Mystery of the Triune God be with each of you,
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
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