My Companions: Summer is in full swing: we’ll celebrate Independence Day at the end of next week. I pray that we can “Live Free” not only politically but physically, emotionally and spiritually; actually I wish we could “live as one” in a community of loving people who seek not only the freedom to live as children of God but also acknowledge the interdependence of all humans called to be one in Christ.
Randy wrote: “Looks like Billy Maggio's liver is rejecting. Looks like no options left.” Please keep Billy and his family and friends in your prayer.
Randy wrote: “Looks like Billy Maggio's liver is rejecting. Looks like no options left.” Please keep Billy and his family and friends in your prayer.
Birthdays this week: Julianne Stevens 6/10; Andrew Kornacki 6/15; Jim Frodl 6/19; Stephen Lay 6/19 (I had to do a little catch-up!)
Birthdays this week: Julianne Stevens 6/10; Andrew Kornacki 6/15; Jim Frodl 6/19; Stephen Lay 6/19 (I had to do a little catch-up!)
Keeping-in-touch: Last week is a bit of a blur for us with Mary Weed’s funeral and our travel back home. This week has almost come to its conclusion before I’ve written on this blog for our preparation of Sunday’s scripture and to “keep-in-touch.” And in a little over a week, we will return again to the Great Lakes States to celebrate John & Maggie’s Wedding.
Fr. Foley: “But Jesus was certain, with God’s own assurance, that love is stronger than death.”
My Comments: I could not find more appropriate readings for our present situation than those for this Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time: we need to know that God did not create death but has power over it! Can we have the faith of the woman with the hemorrhage (long form of the gospel) and know that our “touching Our Lord” will heal us? Or that of Jairus, the synagogue official, who has the courage to seek out Jesus!
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
My Comments: I could not find more appropriate readings for our present situation than those for this Thirteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time: we need to know that God did not create death but has power over it! Can we have the faith of the woman with the hemorrhage (long form of the gospel) and know that our “touching Our Lord” will heal us? Or that of Jairus, the synagogue official, who has the courage to seek out Jesus!
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
We spoke with Margie Pintek (Margaret's sister-in-law)last night and learned that Margie's brother died on the 24th. Please add John and family to your prayers. Thanks