My Companions: I have received notes from a few of our friends and we have many requests for prayer: Kim Dixon wrote that Gary’s cancer has returned and they are not doing well, Melanie McCanahan wrote that Mike’s battle with cancer keeps them at the hospital and Marge tells that her sister Mary Weed has a very tough time with her new treatments. I wish I had more joyful happenings to raise in prayer but we have real time sufferings to remember as we read the passion this weekend.
Birthdays this week: Mark Ross, Michael Olson and Adam Olson.
Keeping-in-touch: Although the roads presented a challenge because of our “springtime” weather, we had a wonderful visit with our family in Lincoln. The little ones are so filled with life. Julianne asked, “Papa why don’t you move back to Nebraska?” I gently replied that we never did live in Nebraska and a move to "the good life State" was never going to happen!
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings: Fr. Foley: “But the real basis of kingship and queenship is serving the people, no matter what.”
My Comments: As we reflect on the passion of Christ this weekend we should probably re-member that this suffering of Jesus continues today in each of the sick, the oppressed, the enslaved and the impoverished members of His Body. This will make our hearts fill-up with compassion for our Lord and all our sisters and brothers. Our hope in the Resurrection will reduce the pain but will not take it away.
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