Blessings for everyone: Father Denny Dwyer has been hospitalized as he fights diabetes; he needs our prayer. Mary Weed has renewed fight of her cancer and Nic Lumpp returned from his trip to the Far East and also found some success in Europe in the fundraising efforts for Somaly Mam ( Other wise I have no news. This week I find, on my calendar, birthdays for George Stevens, Megan Stevens and Lacey Kobza!!
As I recover from a cold, I play “catch-up” from all my travels. Except for the holidays, things should slow down for our busy lives.
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley challenges us: sheep or goats???
My Reflections: I never much liked being likened to a sheep, I guess I don’t like resembling a dumb animal that “just follows.” The movement of “seeking God in all things” appeals to me more, even with an appreciation of the Lord’s unconditional initiation of Love. I work and pray that my efforts will serve the “Habiru”* of our post-modern world because my work will help build more compassionate men and women, communities, that appropriate the Story and Vision of Christ.
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
*Carol Redmount who wrote 'Bitter Lives: Israel in and out of Egypt' in The Oxford History of the Biblical World concluded that the term "Habiru" had no common ethnic affiliations, that they spoke no common language, and that they normally led a marginal and sometimes lawless existence on the fringes of settled society.
Thanks John. Actually, he is doing a little better. The dialysis was successful today. Has a lot of pain when he moves but otherwise is o.k If I give you updates, maybe people can look at your blog and get info and save me a few phone calls. Ed
ReplyDeleteHere's an update from Billy Maggio's mother.
ReplyDeleteAfter 4 weeks on being on a new medication, Sunitinib, Billy has now been off the meds for 2 weeks. This time, he has been experiencing some difficult side effects….digestive problems, acne on his back, and the worst is a condition called hand and foot syndrome, which is blisters between his fingers and on the bottom of his feet. Also of a concern was his white blood count cells were very low. These side effects are to be expected being on chemo and it could be alot worse, so we are thankful that it has not been too debilitating. As of Friday, since his white blood count is not at the level it should be going into the next wave of treatment, Dr. Kolhouse wants Billy to wait for the next round of 4 weeks with Sunitinib until just before Thanksgiving, giving his body time to recuperate. His dosage will not be as strong this time around, but hopefully, just as effective on the tumor. Once he completes this next treatment, they will do a cat-scan to see how successful this medicine has been on attacking the tumor on his liver. God willing, we continue to prayer for a complete healing and as always, we are so very grateful for your prayers. And rest assured they are working because we really believe he would not be doing as well without your prayers – James 5:14-15
Billy, as always, continues to be upbeat and positive, even though 2 weeks ago Adam Aviation went into bankruptcy and he is now un-employed. But we truly believe God has a plan for him, like He has for all of us and so Billy again is in God’s hands, trusting that his future will be realized soon.