My Companions:
Mary Weed came home from the hospital this week and Marge tells me Mary sounds stronger each time they talk on the phone. Kim Dixon writes that Gary has some good days. My sister, Judy, has difficulties with Molly’s disease… so we still need prayers. I’m writing before the election tally; so God’s will be done. My calendar shows birthdays for Mike Norton and Larry Pribyl.
Mary Weed came home from the hospital this week and Marge tells me Mary sounds stronger each time they talk on the phone. Kim Dixon writes that Gary has some good days. My sister, Judy, has difficulties with Molly’s disease… so we still need prayers. I’m writing before the election tally; so God’s will be done. My calendar shows birthdays for Mike Norton and Larry Pribyl.
My trip to Chicago gave me “a shot in the arm” as I listened to the research of others. I hope these new experiences will help me in my work. I have had a wonderful time visiting Pa! Although I didn’t play tennis I exercised by walking the Loop each day. The weather in Chicago surpassed all expectations: Indian Summer Supreme!
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley comments on Jesus’ behavior chasing out the money changers: http://www.liturgy.slu.edu/LateranBas110908/reflections_foley.html
Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley comments on Jesus’ behavior chasing out the money changers: http://www.liturgy.slu.edu/LateranBas110908/reflections_foley.html
My Reflections: We read, “zeal for your house consumes me” and this challenges me to reflect on my concerns: for what would I risk everything? I know I do not want to experience crucifixion (and neither did Jesus) but I do want to live in the God who is Love.
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