I returned from my wonderful seminar on Friday (Ignatian Scholars) to find my Bride so emotionally upset after hearing from her brother-in-law’s call that her sister, Mary, was rushed to the hospital. Mary continues to struggle with new invasions of cancer and this time fluid filling her lungs. So I have a special call for Mary's health and Margaret's compassion. One of the leaders of our scholars group, Susie, experienced an “unguided motorcycle” on her trip to our session… so we should pray for her healing (She participated for the day but did not seem very comfortable) and that of the cycle “driver.” I have added our friend Jim to our list because his recent physical gave some cause for concern. On the more gracious side we have some rejoicing for the positive experience of service that Lindsay and Taylor have completed in Africa We pray for their safe return to Broomfield. Anita claims that a reasonable comparison between the autumn color of Colorado and of upstate New York stretches the optical faculties of deprived Centennial State Residents; but more importantly, she writes that Rick finished treatments for a while. On my calendar this week I see birthdays for Josh Parise, Clint Ross and Don Lay. Thanks for all your prayers!
My week overflowed with study and three tennis outings. My preparations for course work and a little writing kept me out of trouble. I very much enjoyed meeting Ronald Modras (Ignatian Humanism) and an extended encounter with the Dean, Marcel Dumestre, where he shared his vision for our Schools in the College of Professional Studies at Regis. I read Marcel’s book, A Church at Risk: The Challenge of Spiritually Hungry Adults. His approach and argument will help me because I made a preliminary decision to write a book to help faith communities apply theories and methods of distance learning to community development and education for spiritual enrichment. I need more reflection on my experience, understanding and judgment but, I’m working on my outline and will begin to write stories and collect resources.
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley tells us that if we want to know what’s happening, we need to look at what love is doing. http://www.liturgy.slu.edu/30OrdA102608/reflections_foley.html
My Reflections: First, I chose Brother Robert Lentz’s icon of Martyrs of the Jesuit University, http://www.trinitystores.com/?icon=64&artist=1. I struggled to find a depiction of “Love your neighbor as your self and love God above all things” and you may appreciate, not only the image, but the story (if you have a moment to follow the link). This phrase speaks to the heart of the Good News: the challenge to our craving hearts to become complete in Infinite Mystery.
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
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