Mary Weed continues to fight and her doctors suggest new treatments, please continue to pray for her and all of her family. And as we prepare to celebrate the Feast of All Souls this weekend, in a special way, remember all your ancestors who have shared their faith with you; they have passed-on a wonderful gift, probably more by their example than anything they had written or spoken to you. Special events on my calendar this week: Hayley Smith’s birthday, Jason Schnitzer’s birthday, Larry & Judy Lay’s anniversary, and Mike Lay’s birthday… celebrate with enthusiasm! Don't forget to vote... and say a prayer we live-up to the challenge.
The Broncos didn’t help us begin the week very well. I attended a talk by Rev. Ronald Rolheiser, OMI on “Dark Nights in Our Faith” that challenged me in my dry moments in prayer. And I hurried through my presentation at our Core Faculty Assembly, because others had much to say. We took a fast trip to Lincoln and enjoyed precious moments with the grandchildren, Charlie and Julianne. I hope you too fill your days with joyful interactions but take time for moments of re-creation.
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley hit me with a phrase (though we may miss our friend or family member) “he or she has been welcomed into the arms of love even as Jesus himself was when he died.”
My Reflections Notice a new link in the upper left corner of this blog: I find that this “3 minute retreat” can anchor my day. This week I returned to my journal (based on Ignatius’s Spiritual Exercises, Challenge by Mark Link SJ). I noticed that I have worked on this for two years now, and this text covers only the “first week” of the Exercises! In any case, the daily reflections have confronted me to consider my actions in light of my, inevitable, death. “If I live 20 more years, what will I be like based on my present actions and decisions?” “What will others say at my funeral?” “How, with my sins, will I encounter God?” This is pretty heavy stuff but in light of the readings we will proclaim this weekend, I do experience forgiveness and mercy and expect “to be welcomed into the arms of love.” When I think of all this, I become overwhelmed with my limited imagination!
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.