When did you receive your invitation to work?
My Companions:
My Aunt, Agnes is still in the hospital/rehab. And Gary Dixon is “hanging-in-there.” From my “Event Calendar”: My Maggie’s Birthday & Brother Don & Chris’s Anniversary.
My Companions:
My Aunt, Agnes is still in the hospital/rehab. And Gary Dixon is “hanging-in-there.” From my “Event Calendar”: My Maggie’s Birthday & Brother Don & Chris’s Anniversary.
I filled last week with celebrations at Regis (30 years of Adult Programs – I’ve only been a part for 27 of them) and the start of Ignatian Scholars (a wonderful group of men and women for others). Marge left Saturday to go visit the Nebraska kids and grandkids… so Matt and I live in a little more cluttered environment (but we’ll fix that before Thursday).
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley asks, “What have we received from God’s fond heart?” http://www.liturgy.slu.edu/25OrdA092108/reflections_foley.html
Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley asks, “What have we received from God’s fond heart?” http://www.liturgy.slu.edu/25OrdA092108/reflections_foley.html
My Reflections: This Gospel reading I keep close to the top of my list. Like everyone I sometimes fret about just wages... or others making more than me. I can sit on a “pity-pot” because “I’ve worked so hard… so long” but this challenging reading makes me focus on the generosity of the LORD who wishes a full life for all of us. Too often I get caught-up in (probably even envy) the perceived “perks” or “good fortune” of others. Yes we must work for justice, if we really hope for peace… but we should focus on the opportunities we have to participate in a God’s wonderful project of creation! The LORD invites us to work in the field of God's Reign.
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
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