My Companions:
Except for an email from Randy seeking prayers for a missing friend (see comment), I have not heard or read much to share. So, hopefully, we are “the glory of God,” that is “a people fully alive.”
Keeping in-touch:
Our celebration of Independence Day played-out, as usual, with some wonderful tennis on TV from Wimbledon and the viewing of fireworks from the driveway. Quiet holidays help us re-create ourselves.
The Readings:
I hope the Pastor reads the short version of the Gospel. The parable alone paints such a challenging image.http://www.usccb.org/nab/071308.shtml
Comments on the Readings
Comments on the Readings
Fr. Foley challenges me with the poetry and asks the stinging question “How good is your own soil?” http://www.liturgy.slu.edu/15OrdA071308/reflections_foley.html
My Reflections
My Reflections
My soil needs work! So I have asked myself, “When am I most fully alive?” My answers (no surprises): when Marge and I actively work around the house or enjoy the beauty of the nature around us; when I find myself engrossed on the computer solving challenges or interacting with students; when my tennis stroke is “in the groove.” These are the times when I accept the Love that surrounds me… and hopefully love flows through.
When are you fully alive?
I'm sure you have some insights for all of us...
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
My friend Randy sent the following:
ReplyDeleteYou may remember Sophea, Somaly's translator and friend at the Regis degree event in November.
Prayers for her daughter's safe return are appreciated.
From: Nicholas Lumpp [nlumpp@somaly.org]
-----Original Message-----
From: Sylor Lin [mailto:sylor@somaly.org]
Sent: Friday, July 04, 2008 3:40 AM
Sophea's daughter, 22 years old, has been disppeared since 1st July, 08.
AFESIP team is working with police in provinces/city, but we still do not
get any information about her. AFESIP outreach workers are working in
brothels too.
I just added Tina McMurdo's Mother and Fr Ed Hoffmann to our prayer list of those who are sick: Fr Ed had an accident while hiking in the mountains and Tina's mother has contracted a serious lung disease. We appreciate all your prayers.
ReplyDeleteYou remember Sophea, the woman who translated for Somaly at the November event. Her daughter was kidnapped a couple of weeks ago. Here's her latest report.
They found a girl body yesterday morning floating down the river about 100km out of town. After 12 days of no news you can imagine what go through my mind. I my heart almost stop pumping as if some body is trying to squeezed the life out of me. We had to follow the bad road a long the river to try to identify the body. The wait was So so horrible and painful. Seeing the body even worse he body was mutilated with throat cut, left fingers chop off. Thank God it not my daughter. What a horrify experience. I feel sorry for the poor soul so I gave money to the villager to arrange funeral for her.
My night mare still continue.