I was late last week and doing better with my post this week; so except for keeping an update on Anna Margaret's surgery (see comments on last week's post) I have not heard too much from "My Companions." Oh I did receive a question about how to leave comments... just click on the comment box, write your comment, choose "name" and leave your name, the choose "Publish Post."
I have little news: Matt's home, I'm plugging away on the Emmaus project...
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings
Fr. Foley focuses on the GOOD NEWS and how much we can trust the Lord:
My Reflections
Where Fr. Foley focuses on the good news and the graciousness of God in these readings, I can not but reflect on the miracle of Jesus in feeding the multitudes... maybe because I'm thinking of the miracle of modern medicine in the healing of Anna Margaret and the miracle of celebrating the Eucharist...
I read somewhere that medieval people believed in Jesus because of miracles and modern people believe in Jesus in spite of the miracles (our sin is pride: we think we're so smart and know all about the world and all about God, thus fail to open ourselves to Mystery).
I think we miss the deeper meaning of miracle as a "work of God" or "a sign of God's presence" (a translation of the word used in the Greek: see semeion http://eastonsbibledictionary.com/m/miracle.htm) because we focus on the Latin translation of the word mīrāculum = wonder. We think we know how God acts/works and we expect God to be inactive except for "special moments." We do not really appreciate "the miracle of life" and know that Our Lord is constantly active in every moment of our lives. We do not live in a world of wonder (Latin) because we fail to recognize the love that fills our lives because of the work of God (Greek).
Take a moment to recognize the working of God in your life today for "this is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it!" And thank you for helping me celebrate all this Good News.
Maybe you could leave a comment on the miracles in your life these days...
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.