Lord, I feel a chill in the air as I prepare this blog entry. I can not help but think about your homeless and your poor who will seek shelter today; please help them find the good will of many of your people.
Help me to point to you and your glory as I renew this blog and support people to share their love for you and one another however they can, especially in Gospel Sharing Groups.
Please forgive me for the times I have sought places of honor and failed to serve your people. Help me to encourage others to find the joy you desire for their lives.
After a summer of travel, marveling at the glory of your creation, I tell people, "I'm living the 'high life'." My heart swells with gratitude for all your gifts of family, friends, and the beauty of your life-sharing creation.
Please help us to use our minds, our hearts, and our hands to serve all in need of signs of your love, especially those in pain physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Please care for Hutch (surgery) and Jack Baker (cancer treatments).
Companion Events: Anniversary: Larry & Judy Lay (10/29); Birthdays: Aidan Matthew Komon (10/30), Mike Lay (10/31), Eric Beck (11/1), Jenna Kathryn Frodl (11/1), Lugaid Brugha (11/2), Mike Norton (11/2), Elonore Kobza (11/4), Larry Pribyl (11/4).
Keeping In-touch: I have neglected this blog and have worked mainly with supporting the Gospel Sharing Groups connected to our The Emmaus Institute Site. I'm renewing my efforts with this "labor of love." Please use what will serve you... all feedback will be graciously received.
We have enjoyed a full summer visiting, camping, and traveling. I haven't taught for a while. Retreat or "retirement" allows me opportunity to enjoy people, places, and activities. But I'm savoring the relaxing time in our own home right now.
We have enjoyed a full summer visiting, camping, and traveling. I haven't taught for a while. Retreat or "retirement" allows me opportunity to enjoy people, places, and activities. But I'm savoring the relaxing time in our own home right now.
The Readings: Thirty-first Sunday in Ordinary
Some Commentary for prayer or study: The Sunday Website
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
I do not seek places of honor. In fact, I avoid recognition because I appreciate all the gifts the Lord has given me and work to accept the challenge to use those gifts in the service of others. Anything I have or can do comes as a gift from Our Lord. I can learn from the Pharisees and the Sadducees: they become too concerned with rules, symbols, and their own importance and fail to bring life to others.