Companions pray with me: Lord, may we bring You glory as we seek truth and humbly live authentically. Please forgive us when we fail; we trust Your mercy. Thank You for all we have especially friends and family that celebrate life with us. Please provide for all we need. Amen
Companion Events: Bithdays: Edmund Lay "Dad" (1/27), Mary Ellen (Lay) Olson (1/29), Colleen (Weed) Galdys (1/30), Vicki Schnitzer (1/31), John Kane (2/1), Mike DePriest (2/1). In memoriam: Paul Pitzen (1/26/2008), Wally Shultz (1/27/2014), Fr. Gerald Sheeds (1/30/2013).
Keeping In-touch: Marge found a cheap flight and I flew to Chicago-land to celebrate Dad's 90th birthday. I visited with cousins I had not seen for many, many years. My siblings threw a wonderful party for Dad. Marge went on a woman's retreat to pray for my sorry soul. We should have a good week enjoying the Spring-like weather.
Decision Point: Decision Point:
Readings: Fourth Sunday of Ordinary Time
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
At times I should "hold my tongue" and silence the selfish, wanting-it-my-way self. But at other times I need to speak-up for the truth I know and the glory of life with Jesus.
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
Reflection on Scripture for Our Gathering this Week and Prayers for our Assembly
Monday, January 26, 2015
Monday, January 19, 2015
Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Companion Events: Bithdays: Martin Munoz (1/18), Molly (Cole) Komon (1/23), Fr Michael Sheeran (1/24). In memoriam: Charlie Shelton S.J. (1/20/12014), Don Shimkus (1/11/2015).
Keeping In-touch: It looks like I didn't push the button to publish last week's blog (but no body missed it -- that I know of). We had a wonderful week anticipating my brother, Mike's, visit. Together we enjoyed the Rodeo. Then Mike skied on Saturday with Matthew, my son. I promoted the Retreat for Men after all our Masses this weekend. I enjoyed beautiful encounters with others. This week should be very busy...
Decision Point: Decision Point:: The Best Way to Learn
The Readings: Third Sunday of Ordinary Time
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
When I was young I thought the aim of life was to "get the heck outa here and get to another place: heaven." But on my journey I've discovered that God desires to live with us now...and forever more. He wants us to live under His direction that will bring out the best in us. If everyone and everything followed God's rule of love we would be in His Kingdom: heaven.
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
Monday, January 12, 2015
Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Companions pray with me: Lord,You call us to the fullness of life. We praise You and dedicate ourselves to You. But too often we fail to live in Your glory; please forgive us. We have hearts filled with gratitude for all You bestow on us, especially Your call to live in and with You. Please continue to attend to all our needs: we ask for health especially for our companions on our prayer lists. Amen
Companion Events: Bithdays: Kathy Shaefer (1/15), Mary (Dean) Norton (1/15). In memoriam: Lina Kilday (1/18/1958).
Keeping In-touch: Our latest snow has melted and the week passed by quickly. We've returned to our "irregular" routine: education stuff and church stuff for the most part. Marge has begun sorting pictures from the old chest: oh! what treasures she has discovered.
Decision Point: Decision Point:: The Prayer Process
The Readings: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
Who is calling us? Often I believe the Lord calls but like Eli I don't know who's calling. At the same time, I, like Andrew and the other disciple of John I want to know where Jesus is staying. And I hear Him, through my Companions-in-Prayer, say, "Come and see." Then when I experience His love I want to call all my brothers and sisters. May we all, like Peter, drop our nets and know that Jesus will provide all we need.
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
Companion Events: Bithdays: Kathy Shaefer (1/15), Mary (Dean) Norton (1/15). In memoriam: Lina Kilday (1/18/1958).
Keeping In-touch: Our latest snow has melted and the week passed by quickly. We've returned to our "irregular" routine: education stuff and church stuff for the most part. Marge has begun sorting pictures from the old chest: oh! what treasures she has discovered.
Decision Point: Decision Point:: The Prayer Process
The Readings: Second Sunday of Ordinary Time
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
Who is calling us? Often I believe the Lord calls but like Eli I don't know who's calling. At the same time, I, like Andrew and the other disciple of John I want to know where Jesus is staying. And I hear Him, through my Companions-in-Prayer, say, "Come and see." Then when I experience His love I want to call all my brothers and sisters. May we all, like Peter, drop our nets and know that Jesus will provide all we need.
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
Monday, January 5, 2015
The Baptism of the Lord
Companions pray with me: Lord,You have placed Your Spirit in us. May we bring that Spirit of life and love to everyone we meet. We seek Your awesome mercy for choices we make that take us from your awesome love. Thank you for all Your gifts; with appreciation we return them to glorify Your name. And please provide all we need: health for the sick and freedom for all things that make us slaves. Bless all who have brought us to You. For those who have gone before us, be merciful and bring them home to You.
Companion Events: Bithdays: Jack Lawrence Parise (1/7), Cullen Stevens (1/11). In memoriam: Joseph Himpleman (1/7/1960).
Keeping In-touch: The feeling of cold sticks in our memory of last week. But, more so, the memory
of our offspring laughing and enjoying one another...and the Colorado Mountain Slopes. We now have winter and some cold days ahead of us. All the end of season football brings sedentary excitement. And I'm ready to begin reading student papers again. Happy New Year to all my Companions-in-Prayer from our family:
(back) Jason, Julie, Matthew, Cullen, Julianne, and; Megan. (middle) Nana, Papa, and; Charlie (front) Makayla, Davie, Nathan & Lori Beth
Decision Point: Decision Point:: The Big Question
The Readings: The Baptism of the Lord
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
Seek the Lord while He may be found. Know His awesome love for you; spend your life to bring Him glory. We need not bring money or other sacrifice. The Lord desires our lives in all our brokenness and in all our wholeness. Let us hear Him say, "This is my beloved son/daughter, in whom I am well pleased."
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
Companion Events: Bithdays: Jack Lawrence Parise (1/7), Cullen Stevens (1/11). In memoriam: Joseph Himpleman (1/7/1960).
Keeping In-touch: The feeling of cold sticks in our memory of last week. But, more so, the memory
of our offspring laughing and enjoying one another...and the Colorado Mountain Slopes. We now have winter and some cold days ahead of us. All the end of season football brings sedentary excitement. And I'm ready to begin reading student papers again. Happy New Year to all my Companions-in-Prayer from our family:
(back) Jason, Julie, Matthew, Cullen, Julianne, and; Megan. (middle) Nana, Papa, and; Charlie (front) Makayla, Davie, Nathan & Lori Beth
Decision Point: Decision Point:: The Big Question
The Readings: The Baptism of the Lord
Some Commentary: Fr. John Foley, S. J.
My comments and an invitation for your comments:
Seek the Lord while He may be found. Know His awesome love for you; spend your life to bring Him glory. We need not bring money or other sacrifice. The Lord desires our lives in all our brokenness and in all our wholeness. Let us hear Him say, "This is my beloved son/daughter, in whom I am well pleased."
Comments, Reflections, Insights...
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