This was a busy week and we have much to celebrate and new prayer needs: Bill and Lindsay Smith became grandparents again. Bella Claire Foresman joined the family of Haley, Eddie and little Gracie weighing-in at 6 lbs 4 oz and 18 ¼ inches; everyone’s doing well. Renee and Nic Lumpp participated in liberation of slave girls in Cambodia and will return to Colorado this week (see: http://www.somaly.org/ ). And we have more needs for healing: Randy Lumpp’s feet, Tom Duggan’s head (the outside: needs a skin graft but doctors think they cut out the skin cancer), Dan Gleason’s fractured wrist (car accident), Allan Service’s recovery from a stroke and Lindsay Smith’s larynx troubles her and is keeping her from singing. Please pray for the gift of an adopted child for Tony and Lori Beth (don’t know why I haven’t had this on this blog). Remember all those who experience anxiousness in these fragile economic times when we try to be good stewards of the gifts given to us, especially my Pa and my friend Bill. Pray for our new leaders and know the Lord can work through all of us. Birthdays this week: My Pa, Edmund, and my sister, Mary Ellen Olson.
It’s no wonder we will enter February 2009 when we assemble to celebrate these readings: the week sped bye! We enjoyed excellent tennis weather (70s) but winter has returned to the Front Range. The celebrations of Fr. Dwyer’s life called us to an increase in faith: Fr. Ed Poehlmann proclaimed good news and fond memories at a time of loss. I sent out my first invitations for support of The Emmaus Institute and have received two promises to purchase subscriptions. A couple of my Old Testament Course Evaluators, Jessica and Lauren, have given me some good insight. Marge and I took a leap of faith (that I will find opportunities to serve and apply my skill): we made our flight reservations with Connie and Alan for our planned trip to Spain in June!
The Readings:
Comments on the Readings:
Fr. Foley: “…God will remain with you no matter what, and that his gentle heart will banish all fear.” http://www.liturgy.slu.edu/4OrdB020109/reflections_foley.html
My Reflections: We really live in a time of fear and this economy gives us much reason to tremble (I added names of those looking for work in our intentions). I hope we can come together in Christ, not allow our hearts to be hardened and serve one another in these stressful times. Let’s work to light candles rather than curse the darkness!
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.