Reflection on Scripture for Our Gathering this Week and Prayers for our Assembly
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
June 29th: Sts Peter and Paul
Judy Lay has returned home from the hospital and continues to regain her health. She wrote me with many gracious comments for the grace she has received. Dad still sounds raspy when we spoke on the phone but assures us that his throat gives no pain. This week I added Clarence Boitnott to our prayers for Elizabeth tells us his body has taken its toll after surgeries and treatments…
Keeping in-touch:
We enjoyed a quiet weekend after a week of recovery from our travels. My Maggie keeps busy preparing for Rachel’s wedding shower. I received a nice writer’s honorarium for my article, “My jihad, as a Catholic, with Islam,” from LEAVEN. Can you believe summer has begun and Friday is Independence Day? Now I need to get to work on The Emmaus Institute or some other fruitful endeavor.
The Readings:June 29th: Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles
Comments on the Readings
Fr. Foley's reflections on the Readings challenge us with the question, “Does putting love first seem impossible?”
My Reflections
When ever I have taught or facilitated a course on Jesus of Nazareth or a course in Christology, I begin the course with this question: “Who do you say Jesus is?” Then, after some reflection and some sharing of images and perspectives, I comment: “What you say about Jesus probably says more about you than it does about Jesus!”
I can not help to wonder how I might have reacted to the first church leaders, Peter and Paul. In the Gospels Peter comes off like a guy who just doesn’t get it. And some times Paul seems so arrogant it’s a wonder anyone listened. I guess the Lord can work through just about anyone: so pray for our leaders today!
I have not been lead out of prison by an angel like Peter and I’m sure I have a ways yet to run, unlike Paul, but I have been given a great gift of faith and recognize Jesus as Lord. I only pray this gift will grow and the Holy Spirit will work through me as I continue the race.
May the peace of Christ be with each of you.
Monday, June 16, 2008
June 22, 2008 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

I have good news that my sister, Judi Cole, surgery was successful and now we will continue to pray for the recovery of her lungs. My sister-in-law, Judy Lay, went to the hospital on Wednesday so please continue to pray for her. And I have added our niece, Molly Komon, to our list as she struggles with her disease. And we just learned that 5 yr old Anna Margaret (My Maggie's Niece's daughter in MI) has a hole in her heart, that she may have had since birth, which the doctors will perform surgery on to fix.
I invited Mary Jane and Lou Burgess of Kilrush, County Clare, Ireland to my "Companions email distribution list." It will be good to have prayers from the other side of the Big Pond.
Keeping in-touch:
We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Ireland... we met wonderful friends and visited beautiful sights (visit our blog And I'm having a difficult time adjusting to reality... but I shot my best round of golf that I can remember with my friend, Ted: 96 strokes! I will try to update this on Mondays but give no promises!
The Readings:
June 22nd: Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Of course we do not look like the models on the store magazines, but can you even imagine what God sees as God looks at each of us? From where do our standards of beauty, good and truth come?